In addition, various UCAVs, although meant to resupply from a mothership and go for more attack runs, mount warheads of their own just in case. Dale Brown books since Fatal Terrain include the submunition-laden Wolverine cruise missiles.Loosely speaking, the series contains spaceships that launch pods which then launch multistage missiles that are capable of spraying lasers everywhere. This is based loosely on a Real Life concept see below. Honor Harrington features missiles that shoot several dozen laser beams in a shotgun-like spread, powered by a small nuclear warhead.Nights Dawn Trilogy, starships launch "combat wasps", which in turn launch "submunitions".Stargate Atlantis introduced the Horizon which is a starship deployed MIRV.If thrown, it unfolds in midair and splits into three identical, but faster and harder, balls, which also split, etc. Night Watch the film Day Watch, there is an aluminum foil ball attached to a rubber band.Who Framed Roger Rabbit? there was a cartoon gun that fired bullets modeled as western characters who then shot or otherwise killed their target with their own weaponry.Spawn starts with Al performing an assassination with one of these.Star Trek The missiles of the Narada which break open and deploy warheads.Iron Man The Jericho missile at the beginning splits up and proceeds to simply level a small mountain.

In the Transformers comic, Blustreak uses this style of missile as one of his signature weapons.Evac's missiles in Transformers Cybertron, opening up to release a zillion smaller missiles.Mobile Suit Gundam 00 Ali al-Saachez's custom Enact has a rifle attachment that launches a micromissile-launching missile.The entire army gets wiped out in seconds. Full Metal Panic! pulled this off in The Second Raid season premier: when the Arbalest is retrieved by the Tuatha De Danaan, the sub fires several cluster missiles onto the tanks lining the riverside.Combattler V BIGGU BURASUTO! DIBAIDAAAA!!!.Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory has several that are mounted on the GP03 Dendrobium in the form of missiles that shoot other missiles.Two are destroyed by Spike, and just as he's about to destroy the third, it splits further into a thousand tiny rockets. As our heroes near it, it opens and releases three missiles.